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2021 HOA Assessment Statements
Published: December 22, 2020
I hope everyone is having a safe and healthy Holiday Season. By now you should have received your 2021 assessment statement. I attached the flyer that was included in the mail out. If you did not received your statement and would like it emailed to you, please let me know.
The assessment remains the same in 2021 and is due on January 1, 2021 and will be late after January 15, 2021. Late fees and interest are added each month there is a balance on the account.
If you log on to your account and see a zero balance, that is because the assessment is not due until January 1, 2021 and so it hasn’t posted. If you look under next/future assessment you will see the charge. You can make a payment prior to January 1st if you like and it will show as a credit on your account until the charge posts.
You can pay online or mail in a payment. Our PO BOX in Arizona remains the same. For those of you who have mailed a payment directly to our Dallas office in the past, our address has changed. Our new address is: 12801 N. Central Expressway, Suite 1401, Dallas, TX. 75243.
Thank you and Happy Holidays!
Click here to download and read the 2020 GP Winter Flyer