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Call for Candidates
Published: August 28, 2020
Due to the pandemic, the HOA will not meet in person for this year’s annual meeting. The 2020 annual meeting will be conducted online as well as the voting for candidates. You should have received by now the attached notice in the mail. Please complete and return to me your completed candidacy form if you would like to serve on the Board no later than Monday, September 7, 2020.
A separate notice will be sent out with the annual online meeting information, when online voting opens and a proxy. If you have not already registered for the SBB portal, please do so as voting will be done online this year. Please be aware only homeowners can run for the board and register on the web portal.
If you previously sent in your annual meeting proxy for the April 9th meeting, we will use that unless you vote online or send in a new proxy.
Click here to download and read the GP 2020 Candidacy Form.docx-8.24.20